CE Classes

24 CE Hours in 3 Days, One Location, One price


7.5 CE Hours

The use of a thumbs, elbows, knees or feet to apply pressure to a specific acupoint (location) on the body has been around for centuries.  These techniques have been and still are used to address dysfunction.  This course will help the therapist understand the background to how this works, what energy lines are, where this work is done and how to provide a basic acupressure or Shiatsu-style bodywork session.  Therapists will give and receive full body acupressure sessions. Less than 30% of the course is lecture.

Advanced Stretching for Medical Massage and Sports

7 CE Hours

Active and passive stretching are the most common stretching techniques taught in massage schools for basic massage education.  Active stretching is performed by the client upon themselves.  Passive stretching is when a therapist performs a stretch on a client who is “passive” during the stretching.  This is basic stretching.  However, the most effective forms of stretching have more advanced methodology.  This course will introduce the therapist to Soft Tissue Release (STR) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) techniques.  These techniques are used for muscle rehabilitation and chronically tight muscles.  Static and dynamic stretching will be performed for those interested in sports stretching techniques.  Advanced Stretching for Medical Massage and Sports is for therapists with a basic understanding of the stretching process who wants to take their work to a higher level with their athletic clients and in their medical massage practice.  Less than 20% of this course is lecture.

Chair Massage

4 CE Hours

The purpose of this course is to provide the therapist a basic understanding of chair massage.  Indications and contraindications for this modality will be explained. Proper use and setup of the chair will be shown.  The therapist will be able to practice both Western and Eastern style chair massage.  This course is more than 90% hands on with only 10% being lecture.
Note: This course is only approved by State of Tennessee Board of Massage Licensure.

Chakra Therapy

7 CE Hours

The therapist will learn basic chakra evaluation in this course using their hands.  A rudimentary understanding of what a chakras are and some of their many characteristics will be provided.  During the course multiple ways to address the chakras for treatment will be demonstrated.  The student will give and receive different hands-on approaches to chakra therapy.  This course is less than 20% lecture.

Ethics: Past, Present and Future

2 CE Hours

There is a difference between morals and ethics. This course will discuss this difference and what it means to be ethical.  What determines your ethics and outside influences on your ethics will be discussed.  Ethics changes constantly and what is ethical now may be unethical later or in another place.  This course explores the continually evolving world of morals and professional ethics.  The course is 100% lecture.

Note: This is a virtual class that will held over Zoom.

Ethics: What Does The Future Hold?

2 CE Hours

There is a difference between morals and ethics.  This course will discuss this difference and what it means to be ethical.  What determines your ethics and outside influences on your ethics will be discussed.  Ethics change constantly and what is ethical now may be unethical later or in another place.  This course explores the continually evolving world of morals and professional ethics.

Note: This is a live class that will be held at the location listed.

Fascial Based Medical Massage

8 CE Hours

Massage therapists have been traditionally trained to learn basic anatomy and physiology so they are prepared to perform bodywork that is muscle based.  Recent scientific discoveries regarding fascia suggest that this approach may need to be reconsidered.  In the future most bodywork might be performed more effectively with a fascial approach.  This course will review the most recent fascial discoveries, the new organ interstitium and misconceptions regarding fascia.   In addition, the therapist will learn an approach that is suggested for performing fascial bodywork.  Most therapists currently perform fascia work incorrectly.  With normal massage on muscles releasing only about 20% of restrictions fascia work is necessary to release the remaining 80%.  With complaints rising about overworked thumbs and hands performing muscle therapy it makes sense to consider working fascially to prolong one’s career and provide more therapeutic options for clients. This course is more than 80% hands on practice​.

Hands-on Energy Applications

12 CE Hours

The intent of this course is to introduce the student to energy and different approaches that have been taken for its manipulation and use in bodywork.  The basic forms of energy used by bodyworkers will be described and discussed.  The science of how and why it works is addressed. The concepts of chakra points, marma points, chi meridians, sen lines, ayurvedic energy lines, reflexology zones, and reiki will be addressed.  The therapist will be shown and be able to try shiatsu, acupressure, breathwork, ampuku therapy, Thai massage, reflexology and reiki.  The course is about 20% lecture.  The instructor is a Reiki Master and is certified in Integrative Reflexology.

Introduction to Hands-On Energy

3 CE Hours

It is the purpose of this class to introduce massage therapists to energy work using their hands.  The approach to this work is ancient but not embraced by all people.  The science behind this work is emphasized to remove the mystical concepts behind the performance of this form of therapy.  Specific attention will be paid to the Eastern approach to energy work.  The course is about 80% hands on in an attempt to show the practical application of this work.

Note: This course is only approved by State of Tennessee Board of Massage Licensure.

Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy

4 CE Hours

The purpose of this course is to provide a therapist a basic understanding of craniosacral therapy.  It does not provide enough information or training to make one a craniosacral therapist.  You will learn how to evaluate a client for their craniosacral rhythm.  You will learn some basic techniques to release the fascia of the sacrum, dural tube, masseter, cranium and diaphragms of the body.  Still point induction will be demonstrated.  This course is more than 80% hands on with only 20% lecture.
Note: This course is only approved by State of Tennessee Board of Massage Licensure.

Low Back Medical Massage

4 CE Hours

In this course the therapist will learn how to assess and treat low back pain.  The therapist will then implement a treatment plan using neuromuscular, direct connective tissue and indirect connective tissue techniques.  This course is mostly hands on with the therapists working on each other.  Less than 30% of the course is lecture.

Lymphatic Massage for Swollen Joints

4 CE Hours

The purpose of this course is to provide a quick review of the lymphatic system along with a sample protocol that can be used to address an area of the body that is swollen. This procedure is not designed to address systemic lymphedema issues that would require bandaging, compression techniques and much more training. The course is primarily hands on with more than 80% being practical application.
Note: This course is only approved by State of Tennessee Board of Massage Licensure.

Medical Massage 1: Basics Plus Head, Neck, and Upper Extremities

12 CE Hours

Medical Massage 1 (MM-1) is the first in a series of three workshops designed to present medical massage concepts and practices for massage therapists who want to expand their basic Swedish massage training into therapy of various soft tissue medical conditions. MM-1 is the introductory course that includes a brief review of the basics of medical massage and how it should be applied plus specific treatment techniques for the head, neck, and upper extremities.  MM- 2 continues where MM-1 left off with therapeutic treatment of the torso.  MM-3 completes the series with therapeutic treatment of the lower extremities.  MM-1 is 20% lecture and the remaining 80% of the course contains hands-on techniques to resolve specific common head, neck, shoulder, arm, and hand issues.

Note: The Medical Massage series does not have to be taken in order.

Medical Massage 2: Torso

6 CE Hours

Medical Massage 2 (MM-2 is part two of a series) continues where Medical Massage 1 left off. MM-2 focuses on the medical treatment of the torso. Medical Massage 1 is the introductory course that includes both the basics of medical massage plus specific treatment techniques for the head, neck and upper extremities. This series does not need to be done in any order.  In this course there is a brief review of what medical massage and how it should be applied.  Emphasis of the course is on providing therapeutic techniques to common torso issues.  Breast massage on a model will be demonstrated and indications/contraindications for this work will be discussed.  Common conditions of the torso will be addressed.  Less than 20% of this course is lecture.  A full 80% of the course provides hand-on experience.

Note: The Medical Massage series does not have to be taken in order.

Medical Massage 3: Lower Extremities

6 CE Hours

Medical Massage 3 (MM-3 is part three of a series) continues where Medical Massage 1 and Medical Massage 2 left off. Medical Massage 3 completes the series with therapeutic treatment of the lower extremities.  This series does not need to be done in any order.  In this course there is a brief review of what medical massage and how it should be applied.  Less than 20% of the course is lecture.  A full 80% of the course provides hands-on experience.

Note: The Medical Massage series does not have to be taken in order.

Passive Positioning as Therapy

3 CE Hours

The purpose of this course is to demonstrate how the normal tools of massage therapy can also be used to provide therapy passively while the therapist performs other or additional work.  Modifying the table or face cradle can enhance therapy.  Traditional bolsters will be used plus towels, exercise balls, specialized bolsters and similar items will be performed.  Placing the client in a passive position provides for therapeutic impact that the student will be able to perform and experience.  This course is more than 80% hands on.


5 CE Hours

This course covers the origin of reflexology.  It discusses what it is and how it is used.  Various techniques for both hand and feet are given.  Therapists will be given opportunity to give and receive a reflexology session.  Indications and contraindications will be discussed.  The course is less than 20% lecture.  Instructor is certified in Integrative Reflexology.

Reiki I

12 CE Hours

Level 1 Reiki is taught by a Reiki Master Teacher trained in the traditional Usui Method.  The course is less than 30% lecture and discusses: what Reiki is, the traditional story of Mikao Usui, an energy discussion and how to perform Reiki sessions.  Traditional versus non-traditional Reiki training will be discussed.  The three pillars of Reiki are provided.  The therapists will receive four attunements.  Traditional hand placements and bodywork techniques will be performed by therapist upon each other for specific issues and whole body services.  Upon completion of the course the therapist will become a Reiki Practitioner. No lotion or sheets are necessary for this course.

Hands on Reiki II

10 CE Hours

Second Degree Reiki (Reiki 2) is a hands-on course that continues the training that began in First Degree Reiki.  First Degree Reiki provided the basic understanding of Reiki, Reiki history, the Usui story and how to use Reiki.  Therefore, First Degree Reiki is a prerequisite for Second Degree Reiki.  Reiki 2 traditionally focuses on preparing the Reiki Practitioner to become a Reiki Therapist through three attunement processes and therapeutic practice. This course is mostly experiential and hands on with less than 25% of the class spent in lecture.  The practitioner will learn to use the basic hand positions while performing energy assessment and treatment.  The practitioner will learn how to incorporate two of the traditional symbols into the session while performing hands-on bodywork services.  The student will both give and receive Reiki therapy in a relaxed setting while fully clothed. (Prerequisite: Reiki I)

Rethinking Normal Procedures and Equipment Use

5 CE Hours

After years of experience working in many different clinics I found that many if not most massage therapist use only minimal basic techniques learned in school.  They get by with the basics.  There are so many more ways to use the table, head rest, accessory equipment and bolsters that just are not done.  These non-normal practices can greatly enhance therapeutic performance and the quality of a service if implemented.  This course provides new approaches, accessory techniques and bodywork techniques not normally performed. This course is 90% hands-on techniques

Tennessee Massage Law - Virtual Class

2 CE Hours

This course will fulfill the two (2) hour biennial requirement for Tennessee Massage Therapists regarding Rules and Regulations for massage therapy.  The Tennessee Massage Licensure Board policy statement (Feb. 6, 2017) on instruction of this course is followed and addresses the content the Massage Licensure Board wants covered.  Some items specifically addressed will be changes to the regulations, peer assistance program, continuing education requirements, Board website and content, scope of practice, etc.  This course is 100% lecture.

Note: This is a virtual class that will held over Zoom.

Tennessee Massage Law - Live Class

2 CE Hours

This course will fulfill the two (2) hour biennial requirement for Tennessee Massage Therapists regarding Rules and Regulations for massage therapy.  The Tennessee Massage Licensure Board policy statement (Feb. 6, 2017) on instruction of this course is followed and addresses the content the Massage Licensure Board wants covered.  Some items specifically addressed will be changes to the regulations, peer assistance program, continuing education requirements, Board website and content, scope of practice, etc.  This course is 100% lecture.

Note: This is a live class that will be held at the location listed.

Therapy of the Hips and Thighs

8 CE Hours

This hands-on course is intended to provide tools for the therapist in assessing and providing medical massage for the hip and thigh.  This course has less than 30% lecture.  The therapist will learn how to evaluate the hip and thigh for dysfunction. Hip screening and evaluation will include the Thomas test, muscle firing evaluation and muscle range of motion evaluations using a goniometer.  The therapist will then be shown advanced techniques in the treatment of hip and thigh using fascial release and muscle energy techniques.  The therapist will synthesize the evaluation into a treatment for hips and thighs using local and systemic therapeutic techniques.  

Therapy of the Low Back

5 CE Hours

In this course the therapist will learn how to assess and treat low back pain.  The therapist will then implement a treatment plan using neuromuscular, direct connective tissue and indirect connective tissue techniques.  This course is mostly hands on with the therapists working on each other.  Less than 30% of the course is lecture.

TMJ Dysfunction Therapy

3 CE Hours

This course shows the therapist how they can provide specific oral and external therapy to muscles involved with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.  Masseter, temporalis, and the ptyergoids can be treated orally.  Special therapeutic techniques can be used externally that specifically target relief for TMJ Dysfunction.  This course is partially done wearing gloves inside the mouth.  The course is mostly hands-on with only about 10% being lecture.